
We met at a barbeque tonight, which was a stroke of luck. The name a.P.A.t.T. comes from each members' favourite mother's favourite letter, in alphabetical order.
>Please introduce yourself and your a.P.A.t.T. associates? What qualities do you each bring to the band?
Sir Kit Breaker on low to low mid frequencies, percussive trinkets, monosynth lead and street teaming.
Norma Lies on percussion, midi, kit, low to low mid, Glockenspiel, Banjo.
Master Fader on low to low mid, various keys, accordian, melodica, percussion, recorder.
Field Marshall Stack guitars,synthetic guitars, melodica, monosynth, glockenspiel
and General Midi on kit, keys, percussion, tin whistle, midi,
concrete, admin, desk care.
Thats the a.P.A.t.T. core and the a.P.A.t.T. Main choir, with many other fluctuating members playing instruments that we can't. It depends.
>Why should people buy your LP?
Because you WILL like it. And its only £8 at the moment(www.apatt.com)
>Tell us about 'Quartet'. What's that all about?
Its an installation, featuring four projected films with soundtracks running simultaneously alongside a.P.A.t.T. playing live, to a set of four musical phrases. These phrases are determined by the positioning of the audience in the venue. With this scene set,the whole piece is bound together by a loose narritive. Its our first major intallation and is to be performed @ Liverpool Academey August 2nd. The Perfomance runs for 30 mins and then after the interval there will be another 30 min perfomance by a.P.A.t.T. of their more 'regular' set. This night is to double as the pre-release night of our next musical offering. Entitled Fre(e.P.).
>What inspires you musically? What motivates you to do music?
Jealously, I watch TOTP/cd:uk and I think what the fucks is this! Minutes later new musical wounds are open.
>If you weren't in bands and running a label, what would you do with your evenings?
Trying to get a band together.
>On an a.P.A.t.t. curated festival bill, who else would play?
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Need New Body, Joe Meek, Delia Derbyshire, Dead Kennedys, Iannos Xanakis, Taraf de Haidouks, Exodus, Clouddead, Klezmatics, Megadeth, Kling klang, Oingo Boingo, The Mae shi, Ruins, Farmers Market, Crisp & Dry, Huun Huur Tu, Slayer, Darkthrone, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Tom Waits, Whitehouse, Burt Bacharach, GG Allen, Zombina and the Skeletones, John Cage variations iv, Brian Wilson, Pink and Brown, Grabba Grabba Tape, Kronos Quartet, Sleep, Sparks, Mens Recovery Project, Nile, Brutal Truth, Jurrasic 5, Necro, Cassette Boy, Englebert Humpedink, DJ Scotch Egg, Ink Spots, Erasure, Anal Cunt, Stig, Moondog, Faith No More, Harry Partch, All Day Glow, The Meters, Trio Kavkasia, The Residents, Secret Chiefs 3, Ultraviolence, The Birthday Party, Wall of Voodoo, Captain Beefheart, Kraftwerk, Einstuzende Neubauten, Estadesphere, John Zorn, Brave New World, Ennio Morriconi, Vivian Stanshall, The White Noise...........etc
>Suggest a publicity stunt to increase the a.P.A.t.t. profile
An old friend of a.P.A.t.T.'s once suggested the best way to achieve any publicity would be to board a train together and wait for the train to fill with people and then start slashing the seats with stanley knives until removed by the police, prompting the newspaper headline "Rock band slash seats". We haven't done this yet. Either that or publicly get a guitar stolen and appeal in press for its return. Advertising yourself is weird, I'd always thought a.P.A.t.T. would sound best if you came across it in some exotic market by accident rather than being told to buy it.
>Should bands make the effort to give their audiences something more than just the basic songs?
>What other future plans do you have for gigs and recordings?
a.P.A.t.T. have just finished the afformentioned release Fre(e.P.). This comprises of mainly cover songs, mash-ups, samples, other peoples lyrics, melody's inspired by bass lines from other songs...stolen plug-ins, hooky software, borrowd CD-r's and even the cover is another artists. As for gigs we have many things in the line of pipes as usual. (keep checking the website to keep right up to date. Although we have just secured a great tour with American band The Mae Shi within the next few months. Which we cant wait for) Currently we are also filming for a full length feature film called 'a.P.A.t.T. tHe MOIon pictTURe'. It is a combination of short films, live footage , special events, and all kinds different visual and audio experiments. We have been filming for about 4/5 months so far and its going text book. We feel it may take another year or more, or less, it dosn't matter really as it dosn't have a dead line so far as we feel we will know when the footage is complete. Editing is taking place during the time so trailers can be found on the website, as to be expected.
>What do you consider your best achievements in music?
Being able to achieve what we have with what we are. It will never cease to amaze me the reactions people give to this wonderfully odd music.
>What, with regards the UK music scene, upsets you?
The death of many of the underground music oulets via the internet. Therefore the slow demise of Distro's(to a degree). But worse of all how assembly lines of tours have evolved, its sanitised the 'up and coming' bracket of the music scene by providing a platform for local bands to get crowds into their shows, whilst supplying a rent-a-crowd for the latest touring schmucks (artbrut/towersoflondon/ suffrajets/Hard-fi etc) to cut their teeth upon.After, they say the tour was a success and hurrar!, the next new NME darling is upon us.
>What, with regards the UK music scene, delights you?
The lovely/cultured folk of Leeds, The dissorganised approach of liverpool, the strange shows of Manchester, The crusty's of Bradford, The dancing in London. etc And the fact there is a real network of good hard working bands who are really pushing the envolope all the time musically. Instead of repetition sold as fresh, its something like that we're saying with fre(e.P.).
>What are you passionate about in life, apart from music?
>Any other words of wisdom for VP readers?
Just visit www.apatt.com and decide for yourselves if a.P.A.t.T. is what you want. Try listening with headphones on. Treat a.P.A.t.T. as your own little sluts. Get right down into it.xx
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