Snap Ant

I’m Snap Ant and this is my crew; Linus Jackson – Keyboards, bass and vocals. Linus is responsible for positive and encouraging comments as well as regular reassuring rhetoric. Patrick Muller – Drums and vocals. Patrick is from Luxembourg and offers a calming cool breeze when things get hot. Esa Shields – Keyboards and vocals. Esa looks great in a dress and makes beautiful, otherworldly music when not playing in the Snap Ant band. Gavin Wood – Electric guitar and vocals. Gavin makes splendid lentil soup and can induce feedback in almost any situation.
I make the music and shout at the lovely people listed above.
>On the basis of your last 2 singles, is ‘Snap Ant’ as an entity moving towards a fuller band sound, or is this a tangent to run in tandem with your solo electronica stuff? Is it all part of the same concept?
I’ve always made music with whatever resources I have available at the time, whether that is working with machines or musicians I just like to make use of what I can. It’s definitely all part of the same concept as it’s the song that is most important to me (not the way it was made/recorded). I made my album using a four track and a variety of instruments, so I don’t see my stuff as being strictly electronic, more music that draws upon a variety of styles and feels. I love working with the band because it really brings a new energy to the songs that I slave over in the studio.
>Do you prefer working as a solo artist or with others? Do you dictate to the band members or are their ideas incorporated?
I’m pretty clear about what it is that I want out of the band having recorded the songs by myself. However saying that everyone adds their own quirks and styles, and sometimes we’ll discuss the best way to go about achieving a musical result most effectively.
>What inspires you, musically and lyrically?
All sorts. I’ve been listening to quite a bit of Raymond Scott, Joe Meek and Delia Derbyshire recently. I really like melodic dirty analogue things and I think that comes across quite strongly in my tracks. I’m also really into lush big strings and orchestras like Les Baxter and Henry Mancini, as well as….well the list goes on forever!
>On a Snap Ant curated festival bill, who else would play?
Wow! Well lets see; Pop Levi, The Erik Brickland Survival Scheme, Zukanican, Dibidim, The Gay Beatles, Dilinger, Ladytron, Devandra Banhart, Broadcast, M82, Esa Shields, LCD Soundsystem, Stereolab, Devo, Jamie Lidell, Jah Wobble (only playing material from ‘Betrayal’), Loka, Suicide, Super Numeri, Little Richard, Boards Of Canada, The Mountaineers, Orb, Cubical.
>What motivates you musically?
Making music is the only way I can truly express myself. I believe expressing one’s self is of utmost importance and all my motivation comes from that principle.
>If the musical world was ideal, it would…
…probably be really boring.
>Why should people buy your forthcoming LP?
Because it’s a big, beautiful mess, full of love.
>Suggest a publicity stunt to increase the Snap Ant profile in the UK.
Fill a huge cargo plane full of rubber ants that play “You Make Me Basic” when they hit the ground at terminal velocity and say “Mummy” when people pick them up, and then drop them onto every town and city in the country.
>What do you consider your best achievements in music?
Playing live with ‘The Erik Brickland Survival Scheme’. That sure was some heavy shit.
>What more would you like to achieve with your music?
I’d like to make the perfect melody and release as many records as I can before departing from planet earth.
>If you weren't in a band what would you do with your evenings?
Do something for a charitable cause, read lots, learn how to make really amazing food, fly a helicopter relax in my Manhattan/Rio de Janeiro penthouse etc etc
>What are your future plans for gigs and recordings?
I’d like to go and play in the US sometime this year as well as some festivals in the UK/wherever. I’ve got a new single coming out in the Spring followed by my album “!This Is Jut!” which I’m really looking forward to. My other band Super Numeri have also got lots of releases coming out this year and will be touring at some point.
>What, with regards the UK music scene, upsets you?
I think some musical output is really awful and soulless, but some stuff has to be really awful so that the great stuff can shine. Sometimes I wish that venues/promoters would pay proper money!
>What, with regards the UK music scene, delights you?
All my great UK music scene friends.
>What are you passionate about in life, apart from music?
I reckon I’m pretty enthusiastic about whatever it is that I set my mind upon.
>What is/was your favourite children’s book? “Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?” By Dr Seuss
>Any other words of wisdom?
If I was wise I wouldn’t be pursuing a career in the music industry so I’ll pass on that one.
Cool blog as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning this theme.
BTW look at the design I've made myself A level escort
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