Cuban Boys

> Tell us a bit about the Cuban Boys phenomenon…Skreen and Ricardo met off the coast of Sicily in 1997. Ricardo was on a jetski, and Skreen was paragliding. Somehow they managed to collide, but after a frank exchange of views they met up in the hotel bar that evening, and discovered a common interest in pop agitation. When they returned to England, the theoretical brand of pop music they had devised on their holidays was turned into a selection of lo-fi demo tapes. With the help of techno guitar legend B.L.Underwood and the North's Finest Pop Diva Jenny McLaren they were on the Peel Show within a fortnight, and never looked Back.
> Are you glad, looking back, that you signed up with EMI for the release of "Cognoscenti Vs. Intelligentsia"?
Totally. They got us in the top 5 at Christmas, and we didn't have to get proper jobs for a couple of years. If we went back in time, with the knowledge we have now, I reckon we'd probably be a bit stroppier and pay more attention to the little things. At the time, we let them get on with things to a certain extent. It would have been nice to have had ‘Inertia Kicks’ and ‘Eastwood’ released properly though.
> Are any more releases planned?
Like disco, the Cubans will never die. Keep watching the skies. ‘Drink Drink Drink’ was lost in the fog somewhere.
> Do you still consider yourself part of John Peel's family?
Last time we were round he made us wash his car for 50p, so yes.
> What other tunes would you like to desecrate?
The theme music to ‘The Lampies’.
> Heroes of ironic pop or bunch of chancers.
We were never ironic, we meant everything we've ever said. So by default we're probably a bunch of chancers then. We should chance a bit more these days, to be honest.
> How would you like to be remembered?
Immortalised as Gummi Bears.
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